Monday, 10 March 2014

Fix Header PageblockTable Salesforce with flickering issue fix in Mozila and IE

<apex:page standardController="Account" standardStylesheets="false">
  <script src=""></script>
    <script src="{!$Resource.jqueryfixheadertable}"></script>
   <apex:stylesheet value="{!$Resource.base}" />
   <apex:stylesheet value="{!$Resource.themefile}" />
 <apex:form id="theform"> 

    $(document).ready(function() {
             caption : 'My header is fixed !',
             height  : 200
   <apex:pageBlock title="My Content"  >

        <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!account.Contacts}" var="item" styleclass="fixme">
             <apex:column headerValue="Col1"   value="{!}"/>
              <apex:column headerValue="Col2"   value="{!}"/>
                <apex:column headerValue="Col2"   value="{!}"/>
                  <apex:column headerValue="Col2"   value="{!}"/> 

    </apex:pageBlock> </apex:form>
Link to CSS and Jquery Files
1  . base.css
Press Ctrl+s to Save after clicking  on above links and store all file in static resources .


  1. Hi Sheen,

    Awesome solution. I am trying to use this solution to fix the table header on my vf page, noticed, columns widths are fixed, how can I increase column width making horizontal scrolling enabled.

  2. Oh there is colratio option, thanks :)

  3. Thanks so much for this - this is great! I'm having trouble with column width though - is it possible to make it dynamic based on the size of the data cell in the row? Would I have to edit the colratio in some way?

    1. Iam also facing the issue in column resizing .Any body got the answer for this?

    2. Hi Sheeen,
      I am also facing issue in column width. Is there any fix for this?
